Biotecture Planet Earth is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Taos, New Mexico. Biotecture Planet Earth’s tax identification number is 46-4120704.
For media enquiries or if you are interested in volunteering in any of our project, please contact us by emailing
If you would like to make a donation or contribution, please refer to our Donate page. Contributions to Biotecture Planet Earth are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
If you would like to talk to partner with us or propose a future project, please note that currently we are only considering two possible types of project:
Disaster relief projects: Projects that benefit a community or group of people that has been directly affected by a recent natural disaster such as cyclones, earthquakes, etc.
Partnership projects: Biotecture Planet Earth is a small non-profit organization with very limited resources and currently has no regular source of income. Thus, we can only consider projects that are co-funded in partnership with other organizations or individuals.
If you would like to talk to us about a possible future project that falls under these parameters, please download and complete the attached form and send it to
Download BPE Partnership Proposal
For any general enquiries, please email